ONE WORD SUBSTITUTION IN ENGLISH : English grammar refers to the set of rules that govern the structure of sentences, phrases, clauses, and words in the English language. It includes concepts such as syntax, morphology, punctuation, and sentence formation. Understanding and applying grammar rules correctly helps to ensure clear and effective communication in writing and speaking. If you have any specific questions about English grammar, feel free to ask!


1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture.

2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first

3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God

4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of man kind

5. Autocracy – government by one person

6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself

7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected

8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons

9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept

10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession

11. Aristocracy – government by the nobles

12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water

13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea

14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease

15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation

16. Anthology – a collection of poems

17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of the throne in favor of someone

18. Arbitrator – a person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute

19. Astronomer – a person, who studies stars, planets and other heavenly bodies

20. Astrologer – a person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings

21. Anthology – a collection of poems

22. Axiom – a statement which is accepted as true without proof

23. Agenda – a list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting

24. Anarchist – one, who is out to destroy all governance, law, and order

25. Almanac – an annual calendar with positions of stars

26. Bigamy – the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time

27. Bibliophile – a lover and collector of books

28. Bouquet – a collection of flowers

29. Bureaucracy – government by the officials

30. Belligerent – a person, nation that is involved in the war

31.  Biennial – an event which happens once in two years

32. Blasphemy – the act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things

33. Creche – a nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work

34. Cosmopolitan – a person who regards the whole world as his country

35. Chauffeur – one, who is employed to drive a motor car

36. Curator – a person in charge of a museum

37. Carnivorous – one, who lives on flesh

38. Cannibal – one, who feeds on human flesh

39. Contemporaries – belonging to or living at the same time

40. Cloakroom – a place for luggage at the railway station

41. Cynosure – the centre of attraction

42. Connoisseur – a critical judge of any art and craft

43. Crusade – a religious war

44. Choreographer – one, who teaches dancing

45. Cacographist – a person, who is bad in spellings

46. Calligraphist – a person, who writes beautiful handwriting

47. Cynic – one, who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men

48. Convalescent – one, who is recovering health

49. Cavalry – soldiers, who fight on horseback

50. Cardiologist – a person, who is specialist in heart diseases

51. Cartographer – one, who draws maps

52. Dormitory – the sleeping rooms with several beds especially in a college or institution

53. Drawn – a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat

54. Elegy – a poem of lamentation

55. Epitaph – words which are inscribed on the grave or the tomb in the memory of the buried

56. Ephemeral – lasting one day

57. Effeminate – a person who is womanish

58. Emigrant – a person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another

59. Edible – fit to be eaten

60. Egotism – practice of talking too much about oneself

61. Encyclopedia – a book that contains information on various subjects

62. Epicure – one, who is devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking

63. Florist – one, who deals in flowers

64. Fastidious – one, who is very -selective in one’s taste

65. Fanatic or Bigot – one, who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters

66. Fatal – causing death

67. Fatalist – one, who believes in fate

68. Facsimile – an exact copy of handwriting, printing etc.



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